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What Is Animal Communication?

Did you know that African elephants vibrate next to each other when they are trying to communicate? And, ravens have their own sign language

There is a whole world to explore when it comes to animal communication and the different types of animal communication that exist. 

But did you know that there are people that dedicate their lives to learning animal communication techniques so they can help your pet heal from past trauma and bring them peace? 

Well, there are! 

Some people are skeptical about animal communicators and what they do because it seems unknown and vague…

The good news is, this article aims to tell you everything you need to know about psychic animal communication so you can spot the signs when your animal friend needs help. 

How Animals Communicate

Unlike humans, who are able to speak and describe how they are feeling, animals do not have that fortune when it comes to communicating with humans. 

Language is a complex thing. It involves verbal and non-verbal queues, so when it comes to communication between animals and humans, then the latter is essential to understanding their needs. 

Therefore, it is even more important that you look out for signs that they might be in distress or traumatized. These are some ways that you can tell there is something worrying your animal friend: 

  • Pinned back ears 
  • Panting 
  • Whimpering
  • Tucked tail
  • Crouching low to the ground

However, these are only a few examples of when your pet might need help, and it might vary depending on the animal. The next question is, what can you do about it? 

Luckily, an animal communicator could be the solution. 

What Is Animal Communication?

Of course, everyone can communicate with their animal friend on some level. For example, talking about your day with them on the couch, discussing plans for a walk, or just cuddling up together…

That being said, a professional animal communicator goes beyond the normal talking and hugging that goes on between a pet and their own. Animal communication is an animal medium. 

In fact, it is often described as an animal psychic medium. Why? 

Because the way it works is through telepathy. This is the ability to see what is going on in someone else’s mind. For instance, animal communicators use photographs and visual references to find out how your animal friend is feeling. 

Even though our animals are different from us, they are just as sensitive to their surroundings as we are. Do you notice that your dog gets anxious when you are going to the vet? Or that they sense when dinner is ready? 

This is no coincidence. And, animal communicators enable you to see any underlying problems that might be causing your pet to suffer. Just as they are attuned to us, we can therefore become attuned to them over time. 

Misconceptions About Animal Communication

Although it is important to understand what animal communication is, it is equally crucial to learn about what it is not…

You might have come across misconceptions such as animal communication is mind control, but this is not the case. 

An animal communicator is not trained to corrupt or manipulate. Their intention is to communicate with your animal friend so you can address their concerns. 

Another misunderstanding is that animal reiki is the same as animal communication. However, animal reiki professionals aim to be quiet and hold a space for your animal…

Whereas an animal communicator is there to actively engage with the animal so they can express themselves. Even though the practices are similar, they have slightly different intentions. 

How Animal Communication Will Help Your Pet

No one wants their animal friend to suffer. Everyone wishes that they could use their magic wand to make their pain disappear and make them happy…

But, in reality, it isn’t as easy as that. 

If you had a problem, you would go to the doctor, but animals don’t have that choice. We have to decide for them when to get them help. That’s when animal communicators come to the rescue! 

Now, you might be wondering, what can animal communicators help with? 

  • Behavioral problems 
  • Emotional stress such as aggression, withdrawal, and depression
  • Past trauma 
  • Supporting their needs
  • Moving house 

If your animal friend is experiencing any trouble with these emotions, then it might be time to book an appointment with an animal communicator. 

A Session With an Animal Communicator

Once you have decided to book an appointment with an animal communicator, you might be thinking, what happens during the session?

In that case, it is good to know in advance what to expect. The first thing your animal communicator will ask for is a photo of your pet. 

This allows them to connect with your pet and establish and psychic connection. 

Then, they will continue to ask you pet questions about topics that you think might be creating stress or trauma. Afterward, you are often sent an audio copy of the recording so you can look over it by yourself. 

However, in order to have a successful session, you need to find the right animal communicator that your animal friend feels comfortable around and you can trust to get to the root cause of their feelings. 

Thankfully, Ani Animal Intuitive is there to help. Founded by Ani, an animal communicator who is passionate about connecting to animals and bringing them closer to their human. 

Not only this, but she has years of experience and skills that mean you can trust her to help your animal friend.

Trust Your Intuition and Help Your Animal Friends 

If your animal friend is suffering, then you want to get them help as soon as possible. Animal communication is one of the best ways to support your pet and make sure that they heal from any trauma or painful past experience.

Ani Animal Intuitive has your animal friend’s needs at the heart of its cause and wants to spread love and joy to as many animals as possible! 

Don’t wait any longer, and get in touch today!

Your animal friend needs your help, and they will thank you for it.